Frequently Asked Questions
About the Membership
How do I sign up for a membership?
Signing up for an APO membership has never been easier. Just click on the "JOIN" button in the top right hand corner of the screen. Then scroll down until you see three options: Pay by credit card, Pay by PayPal, or Pay by Check. If you pay by credit card or PayPal, you can just fill in your information directly on the website, and you'll be immediately signed up for an account. Unless you cancel your subscription (see below), you'll be charged $100 every year going forward for your membership. If you decide to pay by check, just download the form and mail it to us along with a check for $100. Every year, you'll receive an invoice for $100 to renew your membership.
How can I cancel my subscription?
If you would like to cancel your annual subscription, just log into the Member Area and navigate to the Welcome section. Then click on My Profile and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click "Cancel Subscription" and follow the prompts. See the GIF below for step-by-step instructions.
Why was I charged $100?
When you sign up for a membership, you agree to renew your membership every year. However, it's very easy to cancel your membership before the renewal if you are not satisfied with the service. Just follow the instructions in the question above. If you weren't expecting to be charged and would like a refund, please e-mail us and explain the circumstances immediately. If a significant amount of time has passed since you were charged, we will not be able to issue a refund.
How can I list my property on the Property List page?
Just send us an e-mail with your property's information and some photos and we will add it to the page.
I signed up hoping to buy some post offices, but there is nothing available on the Property List page right now! Why?
American Postal Owners has an exceptional record matching buyers and sellers. Most properties listed on the Property List page sell within one week, usually within 24-48 hours. If there are no available properties right now, don't worry! There will always be new properties cropping up, and we will e-mail you a notification when they are added.
How can I connect with other APO members?
We are working on organizing a conference for American Postal Owners members as well as an online forum. Stay tuned!
How can I get advice about my lease and option renewals with C.B. Richard ellis and/or the U.S. Postal Service?
You can call or e-mail us anytime for advice. This service is free-of-charge as it is included in your membership. If you are looking for someone to actively negotiate with CBRE on your behalf, visit Marvo, Inc.