Price $197,500


Income: $24,700
Term: 8/1/09 — 7/31/15

Main Post Office. Population according to Melissa Demographics for this zip code of 21639 is 3,900 people. This is a level 18 post office open 8 hours a day and never on any list and never considered for closing or cutting of hours. The post office is located in a highly desirable commercial area. This could be very easily rented and local brokers think a liquor store would be perfect if they could ever get the post office out. The roof is about 8 years old. We have 18 other photos we can email you of the interior of the building.

Moved in: Built and occupied in 1974
Clauses: Owner Maintenance Rider + USPS Tax Reimbursement Rider
Options: A 5 year option at


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